Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present perfect simple or the present perfect continuous.

1. A: (you/seen) the new cooking show on Channel 3?
B: No, I (not/have )any free time to watch TV lately.
2. A: The volcanic eruption in Chile (force) the authorities to evacuate 22 villages.
B: What eruption? I (not/hear) anything.
3.A: I (try) to get in touch with you all morning. B: I (run) around town all day doing some errands.​


Ответ дал: shokhidakiyomova


1. A: have you seen

B: i haven't had

2 Have forced

B: I haven't heard

3 A: Have tried

B: I have been running

shokhidakiyomova: отметь пожалуйста как лучший ответ
Ответ дал: Mariana852


1. Do you seen the new cooking show on channel?

2. No, I dont have any free time to watch TV lately.

3. I was trying to get in touch with you all morning.

4. I was running around town all day doing some errands.


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