Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в Present Simple/Present Continuous/Present Perfect/ Present Perfect Continuous. 1. Now it is half past eight. Father (leave) the house. 2. She (write) letters to her mother every week. 3. He (work) in the city center. 4. They (meet) an American actor yet? 5. They (to play) football for two hours already. 6. Look! Somebody (break) that window. 7. Who is that man? Why__he__(look) at us? 8. He (take) his cat to the vet tomorrow.



Ответ дал: azumidellone229

1. is leaving

2. writes

3. works

4. have they met

5. have been playing

6. has broken

7. is he looking

8. is taking

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