ПОМОГИТЕ((( СРОЧНО. написать 10 предложений что нельзя делать в школе и что можно (что вы обязаны делать в школе, а что не обязаны) 10 предложений можно, 10 нельзя
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Ответ дал: tett616

1. You must wear a school uniform;

2. You must be polite to your teachers and classmates;

3. You must do your homework;

4. You must keep your hands and feet to yourself;

5. You must bring all your materials and be prepared;

6. You must arrive on time;

7. You must wear your mask and wash your hands;

8. You must keep your place tidy;

9. You must be hard-working;

10. You must pass your exams;

11. You must not run in the school;

12. You must not shout during the class;

13. You must not eat or drink during the class;

14. You must not be late;

15. You must not cheat in the exams;

16. You must not wear dirty colorful clothes;

17. You must not argue with teachers;

18. You must not skip classes;

19. You must not talk during classes;

20. You must not fight with your classmates.

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