Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную видовременную форму:
1. He (read ) __ a lot about England before.

2. How many languagés (speak) _in Russia?

3. I (not receive) _a letter from Mary since Christmas.

4. I don't know when he (arrive) _ tomorrow. It depends on the weather.

5. I found that letter while I (look ) _ for a book.

6. If everything (go) well, I'll be able to see you next week.

7. Last year we often (invite)__ to their parties.

8. When was in the hotel, somebody (steal)__ my money.

9. Tom looks happy. He just (find)__ a new job.

10. We asked Tom if he (go) _to the party next Saturday.
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Обведите правильный вариант ответа кружком:
1. They had a villa near the beath?
a) hadn't they
b) had they
c) didn't they
d) did they have

2._late, your children should go to bed
a) There is
b) It was
c)There was
d) It is

3. There aren't new hotels in our town.
a) some of
b) no
c) much
d) any

4. There are some little on the floor.
a) mouses
b) mouse
c) mice
d) mices

5. It usually much in Britain in winter.
a) not snows
b) doesn't snow
c) isn't snowing
d) isn't snow
d) did they have

6. Today you are reading than yesterday.
a) worse
b) bad
c) more bad
d) the worst

7. Now we are going to open our presents and then we shall look at__.
a) their
b) theirs
c) her
d) it

8.__ a new TV set in our cottage.
a) There is
b) It is
c) It was
d) There being

9. He drinks __ coffee and smokes __ cigarettes.
a) many, much
b) little, much
c) much, a little
d) much, many

10. Who _ ?
a) did you laugh
b)you laughed at
c) laughed at you
d) at you laughs


Ответ дал: abcstar2005


1. reads


3. haven't received

4. will arrive

5. i was looking

6. goes

7. invited

8. stole

9. find

10. would go


1. a

2. d

3. d

4. c

5. b

7. a

8. a

9. d

10. a

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