Complete the sentences with the correct from of Present Simple or Present Continuous.
Pay attention to the state verbs!

1. At break time my classmates and I usually
(talk) with each other and
(play) some games.
2. My parents
(have) different hobbies: my father
(like) photography, and my mother
(enjoy) reading novels.
3. Look! The cat
(sit) near the cottage.
4. This month the builders
(paint) our house, so we
(not live) there.
5. — Where is John? I
(need) to talk to him. — He
(have) lunch in that cafe. —
he always
(eat) there? — Yes, he
6. Nancy
(work) so hard this month because she
(want) to get more money.
7. —
(drink) coffee? — No, it's tea. I
(not like) coffee.
8. There is a tradition in our family: every Saturday we
(have) a barbeque! First, we
(go) to the shop and
(buy) some meat. Then my mother
(make) some snacks. My father
(cook) meat while my brother and I
(play) games and
(listen) to music.


Ответ дал: czhelp


1 talk, play

2 have, likes, enjoys

3 is sitting

4 are painting, don't live

5 need, has, does he always eat, does

6 is working, wants

7 are you drinking, don't like

8 have, go, buy, makes, cooks, play listen

Ответ дал: yelena7077
1. At break time my classmates and I usually talk with each other and play some games.
2. My parents have different hobbies: my father likes photography, and my mother enjoys reading novels.
3. Look! The cat is sitting near the cottage.
4. This month the builders are painting our house, so we don’t live there.
5. — Where is John? I need to talk to him. — He is having lunch in that cafe. —
Does he always eat there? — Yes, he does.
6. Nancy is working so hard this month because she wants to get more money.
7. — Are you drinking coffee? — No, it's tea. I don’t like coffee.
8. There is a tradition in our family: every Saturday we have a barbeque! First, we go to the shop and buy some meat. Then my mother makes some snacks. My father cooks meat while my brother and I play games and listen to music.
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