Найдите ошибки.
1) He is the taller boy in the group.
2) She is the most beautifulest girl of all.
3) His car is the bigger than mine.
4) Their house is more large than ours.
5) Willy is intelligenter than Tim.
6) Mary is the most smartest girl in our group.
7) Studying English is most interesting than studying Math.
8) His dog is biggest than mine.
9) Their teacher is nicest of all.
10)Mary is more prettier than Ann.
11)My present is gooder than yours.
12)He is best student in our group.
13)Your test results are worse than yesterday.
14)This book is the betterst of all.
15)He is the worst player in the team.


Ответ дал: radikaled


в скобках неправильное слово

1) (taller) tallest

2) (beautifulest) beautiful

3) (the bigger) просто bigger

4) (more large) larger

5) (intelligenter) more intelligent

6) (most smartest) smartest

7) (most) more

8) (biggest) bigger

9) the nicest of all

10) (more prettier) prettier

11) (gooder) better

12) the best

13) все правильно

14) (betterest) best

15) правильно

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