1. While Angela ......... (read) a book, she .......... (hear) a noise. 2. It ....... (start) raining while he ......... (drive) over the bridge. 3. we ....... (eat) dinner when the hurricane ........ (strike) 4. Mike ....... (see) the rainbow while he ..... .... (sit) on his balcony. 5. They ....... (walk) on the beach when it ....... (begin) raining​


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. While Angela WAS READING a book, she HEARD a noise.

2. It STARTED raining while he WAS DRIVING over the bridge.

3. We WERE EATING dinner when the hurricane STROKE.

4. Mike SAW the rainbow while he WAS SITTING on his balcony.

5. They WERE WALKING on the beach when it BEGAN raining​.

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