Write the verbs in Present Simple or Present Continuous.

We often _______ (watch) TV after lunch.
_______ (they/sleep) in the living room now?
Lora _______ (paly) tennis her every free minute.
Tom is a calm baby, he _______ (not/cry) much.
Wow, look! The hedgehog _______ (hide) under the bush!
I can’t talk right now. I _______ (collect) leaves in my backyard.
We _______ (love) drinking fresh juice.
Biology teacher _______ (not/give) any homework today.
We _______ (not/wear) gloves. It’s rather warm this week.
They usually _______ (borrow) books from the local library.


Ответ дал: vityaselivanovp546rh


1. watch

2. plays

3. They are sleeping

4. doesn't cry much

5. is hiding

6. 'm collecting

7. love

8. isn't giving

9. don't wear

10. borrow

Поставь лайк:)))

vityaselivanovp546rh: 2. Are they sleeping now
vityaselivanovp546rh: 3. plays
vityaselivanovp546rh: перепутал сори
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