A) Complete the sentences with the correct from ( positive or negative ) of the verbs in the box.
( Eat \ read \ watch \ listen to \ drink \ work )
1) We _____ sport on TV a lot because we really like it
2) I _____ junk food because I don't like it
3) They _____ on Sundays - they just relax all day!
4) I ______ books in English because it's good practice
5) We _____ coffee late at night . We have milk or tea.
6) You ____ music a lot. What's your favourite band?

B) Put the words in the correct order to make questions
1) running \ every day \ go \ they \ Do ?
2) chat \ you \ friends \ Do \ with \ a lot ?
3) junk \ like \ you \ Do \ food \ eating ?
4) TV \ on \ watch \ they \ football \ Do ?
5) cinema \ the \ to \ go \ you \ Do \ a lot ?

С) Look at the short answers to the questions above and correct the mistakes
1) No , they aren't
2) Yes , we do chat
3) No , I don't like
4) No , they not
5) Yes , we go


Ответ дал: radikaled



1) watch

2) don’t eat

3) don’t work

4) read

5) don’t drink

6) listen to


1) Do they go running every day?

2) Do you chat with friends a lot?

3) Do you like eating junk food?

4) Do they watch football on TV?

5) Do you go to the cinema a lot?


1) No, they don’t

2) Yes, we do

3) No, I don’t

4) No, they don’t

5) Yes, we do

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