6 complete the conversation with these words.

How, 'm , are, who, is, what, your, it's, isn't, my, very.

boy: hello! where (1) … you from?
man: i (2) … from california in the usa.
boy: what's (3) … first language?
man:(4) … first language is miwok. (5) … a native american language.
boy: (6) … it very common?
man:no, it (7) … . only three people speak miwok now.
boy:really? (8) … are they?
man:me, my father and my grandfather.
boy:your grandfather?! (9) … old is he?
man: oh, he's (10) … old now!
boy:(11)…'s 'goodbye' in miwok? man 'eyya manay kanni'.
boy:ok. eyya manay kanni! man goodbye!
Помогите пж очень срочно надо!!!​


Ответ дал: nigorarezametova88


  1. are
  2. 'm
  3. your
  4. my
  5. what
  6. is
  7. how
  8. isn't
  9. very
  10. it's
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