Task 2. Read the text again and choose the best title (1 point)
A. School rules around the world.
B. My ideal school.
C. Special schools in Kazakhstan.

Writing (an e-mail about your classroom) (5 points)

Write a reply to Nurzilya’s e-mail. Tell her about your classroom. Think about: location of classroom, students, and items in the classroom (55-60 words). Be careful with punctuation. Follow the plan
• School location,
• classroom location,
• number of students
• Classroom description
• Closing remarks
Write back, (your name)
Пж помогите сор


Ответ дал: skyrbin02


Таск 2 по тексту, который ты не дал. во втором надо писать про свою школу. Я не учусь в твоей школе, как быть?

Вас заинтересует