Здравствуйте, не могу решить английский,
Complete the sentences using one of the words in the list below and a -self pronoun.

enjoy, built, wrap, blames, seem, upset, behave, lives by

1. Is Bill okay? He doesn't …seem himself … at the moment.

2. Mary … for the car crash.

3." … in this blanket to keep warm, Tim."

4. The Jones' have … … a swimming pool.

5. She shouldn't … … like that. He's not worth it.

6. " children," the mother said to her naughty beys.

7. She feels lonely. She … … …

8. Did you … at the parly?


Ответ дал: radikaled


1) seem himself

2) blames herself

3) wrap yourself

4) built themselves

5) upset herself

6) Behave yourselves

7) lives by herself

8) enjoy yourself

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