2) 5. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Follow the model Is David Beckham Chinese? No, he isn't. He's English Are pizza and spaghetti from Italy? Yes, they are. kumyz - Japanese? sari - French? Giorgio Armani - Italy? kimono - Germany? Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt - American? Leonardo DiCaprio and Will Smith - Spain? 24 помогите


Ответ дал: kuralkanmadi


Smitsh Amerikan germany gg

samsung86: че
jfhfhfhfhjfjfjfjcn: Ты мая попа помн
jfhfhfhfhjfjfjfjcn: Понила
jfhfhfhfhjfjfjfjcn: Ты кура
jfhfhfhfhjfjfjfjcn: Ты жопа и попа и списка
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