brackets in the co 2. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. don't go If you (not go) to bed, you'll be I'll see you in an I'll probably see yo tired. 1 Usain Bolt w runner for a 1 If Maksat phones you, what (you / say) to him? 2 Dana (be) cross if we're late for 2 We won't her party. (definite 3 What will you do if you (not pass) your exams? ? 4. lfl (see) the new Black Eyed 3 If the Peas CD in the shops, I'll buy it. seasi 5 Aisulu (not become) a famous singer if she doesn't practise! 4 I'll 6 If they train every day, they (win) the match. 7 If it (snow) today, we won't go for a walk. 8 I won't talk to Bakytzhan if he (be) moody again today. m 5

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Ответ дал: aakemi305


вот надеюсь помогла ))))


madinazhubat: спосибоо
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