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Ответ дал: levipravi558


вот. второе задание тоже?


Tim is fourteen. He and his family lives in glasgow. Tim goes to boys school. He loves his mom, dad and sister. His sister helps their mum: she go to the shops and wash the plates. Bill, his dad drives Tim to school in the morning: Tim hates buses. Tim haves a lot of friends at school. They meet at school in the morning and meet in the evening too. They listening to music. Tim can play the piano very well. He plays the piano to his friends and sings beautiful English songs.

alabojko923: да, пожалуйста можно и второе
levipravi558: ок. неправильные глаголы: 1. don't 2. live 3. have 4. am, are 5. love, help 6. am, are 7. paint 8. drivers, rides. надеюсь правильно
alabojko923: спасибо
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