очень срочно,ПЖПЖПЖЖП​



Ответ дал: xxxmilka

04/09/2013 - it's the fouth of Semptember twenty thirteen.

21/01/2001 - it's the twenty-first of January twenty one.

22/03/1998 - it's the twenty-second of March nineteen ninety eight.

31/11/1987 - it's the thirty-first of November nineteen eighy seven.

15/06/2010 - it's the fifteen of June twenty ten.

05/08/2008 - it's the fifth of August twenty eight.

03/02/1854 - it's the thirdth of February eighteen fifty four.

12/04/1968 - it's the twelfth of April nineteen sixty eight.

Ответ дал: tech4810

It's the twenty first of January two thousand and one.

It's the twenty second of March nineteen ninety eight.

It's thirty first of the November nineteen eighty seven.

It's fifteenth of the June two thousand and ten.(можно twenty ten, и так и так должно быть правильно)

It's fifth of the August two thousand and eight.

It's third of the February eighteen fifty four.

It's the twelfth of the April nineteen sixty eight.

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