Fill in prepositions where necessary:
1. He saw a bird_______the tree.
2. My house is close____the bus station.
3. Explain____me the rule again, please.
4. Did you go anywhere___last week?
5. What were you doing___Saturday evening?


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. He saw a bird in the tree.

2. My house is close to the bus station.

3. Explain to me the rule again, please.

4. Did you go anywhere (-) last week?

5. What were you doing on Saturday evening?

mirsaid31: спс
hadijatmuhueva73: 1. He saw a bird in the tree.

2. My house is close to the bus station.

3. Explain to me the rule again, please.

4. Did you go anywhere (-) last week?

5. What were you doing on Saturday evening?
alexander4907: правильно on the tree
sveridenkovladimir: Я так и знал что на этот вопрос ответит этот человек!
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