Плиз помогите !!!
Нужно сделать 10 номер)))



Ответ дал: Daraionn


1.Is it raining outside? No, it isn't.

2.Are the children playing outside? Yes, they are.

3. (Are) you doing your homework now? No, I don't

4.Is she washing the dishes att the moment? Yes, she is

5.Is He helping you with your work? No,he isn't

6. Are they looking at the children?No, they aren't

7.Are you planning the party? Yes, we are

8.Are we having lunch? No, we aren't

9. What are you doing here?

10.They are dancing, they are singing.

lisaalisa469: Спасибо большое !♡
Daraionn: ♡♡♡
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