ACROSS 4 Hiroyuki is from Japan. He's ... . 5 Joey is from the USA. He's .... 6 Ye Ming is from China. He's .... 9 Kim and Tyler are from Canada. They're .... 10 Carla is from Italy. She's .... 11 Eva is from Poland. She's DOWN 1 Karl and Heidi are from Germany. They're 2 Jean Claude is from France. He's..... 3 Luiz is from Brazil. He's... 7 Diego and Jaime are from Spain. They're ... 8 Tom is from the UK. He's срочно​


Ответ дал: Alexa3000

4. Japanese

5. American

6. Chinese

9. Canadian

10. Italian

11. Polish

1. German

2. Frenchman

3. Brasilian

7. Spanish

8. Englishman или (маловероятно, но всё же) British

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