Complete the question with the correct question tags (англ - р яз)
1. Their house is all marble staircases and grand pianos, ... ?
2. Clark doesn"t often assist the father in repeiring repairing a car, ... ?
3. The Davidsons made quite a lot of money two years ago, ... ?
4. My brother can't climb trees as well as my cousin can,....?
5. They gathered fruit in their garden last autumn, .....?
6. He is whitewashing the fence now, .....?
7. I'm working in the garden now, .....?
8. Let's do the shopping,....?
9. They have raked the leaves in the yard, .....?
10. Let's build a tree house, .....?


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. Their house is all marble staircases and grand pianos, isn't it?

2. Clark doesn't often assist the father in repairing a car, does he?

3. The Davidsons made quite a lot of money two years ago, didn't they?

4. My brother can't climb trees as well as my cousin can, can he?

5. They gathered fruit in their garden last autumn, didn't they?

6. He is whitewashing the fence now, isn't he?

7. I'm working in the garden now, aren't I?

8. Let's do the shopping, shall we?

9. They have raked the leaves in the yard, haven't they?

10. Let's build a tree house, shall we?

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