Report the sentences. 1) Dolly said to her teacher, «I have written an essays. 2) Mother said, «Do you like your new jacket, Den? » 3) Alison said to Den, «Have you ever been to the British Museum?» 4) The artist said to children, «Don't touch the wet paints. 5) Susan said, Did you return the books to the library yesterday, Nick?» 6) The waiter said, «Your pizza will be ready in ten minutes». 7) The policeman said, «Show me your driving licencel> 8) Sarah said, «Will you take the children to the swimming pool tomorrow, Jack?» 9) The teacher said to me, «What are you looking at? 10) The receptionist said, «Can I help you, Mr Franks?» ​

eslabinskaya: СРОЧНО!!! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА


Ответ дал: julyyudova82
1) Dolly said to her teacher that she had written an essays
2) Mother asked Den if he liked his new jacket?
3)Alison asked Den if he had ever been to the British museum.
4)The artist said to the children not to touch the wet paints
5) Susan asked Nick if he had returned books to the library the day before
6)The waiter said that my pizza would be already in ten minutes
7)The policeman said me to show him my driving license
8)Sarah asked Jake if he would take the children to the swimming pool the next day
9) The teacher asked me what I was looking at
10)The receptionist asked Mr Franks if he could help him
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