3 ** Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous Sue's Blog GN My name's Sue and I 1) ..... (be) a student at Merton Secondary school. 12). .... (study) Physics at the moment but I3) ..... (not/have) classes every day. On Mondays 14) (play) basketball and on Thursdays 15) (do) aerobics. The summer holidays 6)...... (start) next week, though, and 17) (go) to the USA! My aunt 8) (live) in California so 19) .... (stay) with her and I'm starting this blog to write about my experiences. I hope you enjoy reading it! 10)... (anyone else/go) to America this summer? ​


Ответ дал: anrevcevidet




1. am

2. am studying

3. don't have

4. Если там I тогда просто play если там he she it тогда plays

5. тут тоже самое do/does

6. is starting

7. am going/ are going/ is going (смотря про кого говорят)

8. lives

9. stay

10. anyone else is going

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