10 Write a short paragraph about what you did last weekend. Last weekend, I went ... with ... . We ... and then we ... . After, we .... I had a great time!​


Ответ дал: CherryTheSweet

Last weekend I went shopping with my mom. We visited “Zolla” shop and then we visited “Zara” shop. After that we went to the cafe together and had a tasty cake. We had a great time.

nurasyl2512: Дәмді торт іштік емес дәмді торт жедік
bayanovorken: ой блаа
ainyr76d09: Ой бллә ғо олай емес
ainyr76d09: Хаха
takesnns92: бла бла бла дейсiңғо
azamentikov: Дурыс па.
bayanovorken: Мен 6А
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