4 Read the answers. Then write the questions. Use the present perfect form of the verbs in bold. Have you visited John's website? Yes, I have. I visited John's website this morning 1 _? No, I haven't. I've never played Super Mario. 2 ? No, he hasn't. He's never created a new webpage. 3 Where ? I'm not sure. Maybe they've gone to the library 4 ? Yes, they have downloaded the film. 5 What ? She's sent a few photos. 6 ? No, I haven't. I've never shared files.​


Ответ дал: margaritaatamuradowa


1)Have you ever played Super Mario?

2)Has he ever created a new webpage?

3)Where have they gone?

4)Have they downloaded the film?

5)What has she sent?

6)Have you ever shared files?

diassakenov06: спс но я уже ответио
diassakenov06: но это правилный ответ
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flash454524: Спасибо большое
danonamanona: большое спасибо
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