What are good and bad things about your school (Что плохого и хорошего в школе?)



Ответ дал: EliteFive



Student council that actually have some power. For example, they could vote for/against a rule and organize and propose school event. Yes, they're still controlled by school, but not that strict.

Good teacher that actually care for the students.

For example, this teacher who literally come to a student house in the middle of night to rescue her from her abusive parent.


My school is far from my home. So I need to wake up at 6 o'clock at morning and go to school at 7.30. Late few minutes and I would get caught by the regular bus. Pretty tiring, if you ask me.

(Somewhat many) Boring teachers. The only time they aren't boring is when they give you 100 number assignment that due to tomorrow.

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