исправь ошибку
1. I am going to buy a bread.
2. Fish and chips' are a dish consisting of fish and potatoes.
3. Black pudding is a type of sausage made from the meat and bloods of pigs.
4. What soup does your mother likes?
5. We had a very good weather during our holidays.
6. I ate a plate of noodle and rices.
7. Where is he going to put all his furnitures?
8. Bangers and mash are sausages with mashes potato.
9. Tom gave me good advices.
10. He never drinks milks.​


Ответ дал: liz172


1. I am going to buy - bread.

2. Fish and chips' are a dish consisting of fish and potato.

3. Black pudding is a type of sausage made from the meat and blood of pigs.

4. What soup does your mother like?

5. We had - very good weather during our holidays.

6. I ate a plate of noodle and rice.

7. Where is he going to put all his furniture?

8. Bangers and mash are sausages with mashed potato.

9. Tom gave me good advice.

10. He never drinks milk.​


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