My Best Friend
by James
This is my best friend Craig. He's nine years old. Craig
has got short dark hair and blue eyes. He's tall for his
age and quite plump. Craig is very kind and friendly.
In the picture Craig is playing soccer. He likes playing
soccer in his free time. Craig is a good friend and we
do a lot of things together!
Who is James best friend?
How old is he?
What does he look like?
What's he like?
What does he like doing in his free time?
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Ответ дал: epichmakk


1. Craig is James's best friend.

2. Craig is nine years old.

3. He is tall and plumpy boy for his age. He has got short dark hair and blue eyes.

4. Craig is very kind and friendly boy.

5. Craig usually plays soccer in his free time.

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