Составить три предложения в Present Perfect и Present Perfect Continuous
1.Present Perfect +
2.Present Perfect -
3.Present Perfect ?
4.Present Perfect Continuous +
5.Present Perfect Continuous -
6.Present Perfect Continuous ?​


Ответ дал: sayvita



1. He has read magazine "dawn"

2. He has not read magazine "dawn"

3. Has he read magazine "dawn" ?


1. They have been working

2. They have not been working

3. Have they been working?

Ответ дал: nurgulabdrasil


Present perfect

+ We have seen this film already. – Мы уже видели этот фильм.

- We haven't been to this country yet. – Мы ещё не были в этой стране.

? Why has she told lies? – Почему она солгала?

Present perfect continues

+ It has been raining all day long. I’m sick and tired of this weather. — Дождь идет весь день. Меня достала эта погода.

- Things have not been going really well lately. — Дела идут не очень хорошо в последнее время.

? How long have you been standing here? You didn’t have to wait for me. — Как долго ты здесь стоишь? Ты мог и не ждать меня.

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