Choose the correct answers.
1 Quiet William! Wh y so noisy this morning?
a are you be b are you being
2 Who's that? I her name.
a 'm not remembering b don't remember
3 Irene with her cousin for a few weeks,
a lives b is living
4 Granddad isn't feeling well. He the doctor
later today.
a 's seeing b sees
5 Tony his grandfather.
a is looking like b looks like
6 Mum and Dad always us with them on
a take b are taking
7 Bob and Sue______ to their aunt Maisie's house
every weekend.
a are going b go
8 Why children are jealous of each other?
a do you think b are you thinking


Ответ дал: SireeAltor

1. b are you being

2. b don't remember

3. b is living (но не уверена, т.к. по вопросу не ясно, где именно пропущено слово)

4. a 's seeing

5. b look's like

6. a take

7. b go

8. a do you think

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