Умоляю помогите
Варианты ответа : lot, lots, few, much, little, many
1)The police don't have ... infarmation
2) How ... T-shirts are there in your wardrobe
3) I've got a ... days to meet the deadline
4) ... of students are very enthusiastic about getting better marks
5) There's too ... snow outside ; we cancan't make a snowman
6) Jenny spends a ... of time online , but it's necessary for her studies


Ответ дал: smyak0ppa

1) much

2) many

3) few

4) lots

5) little

6) lot

Ответ дал: bbbbrrrruuuuhhhh


1. any

2. many

3. few

4. a lot

5. much

6. lots

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