Помогите срочно пожалуйста!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The future
Задание-Complete the following conversations by putting the verbs in the right tense.

Arnold: Would you like to come to a film this weekend?
Rebecca: I’d like to, but I’m afraid I ...(not to have) time.
Arnold: Why? What you ...(do)?
Rebecca: Well, my father ...(arrive) back from Australia. He’s been there for six months and we ...(have) a big party to celebrate.
Arnold: He ...(not to be) too tired for a party after his flight?
Rebecca: Yes, and no doubt he ...(suffer) from jetlag. So, on Saturday he can take it easy. But on Sunday, all the family ...(come) for a big barbecue. I ...(prepare) things all day on Saturday.
Arnold: What a lot of work for you.
Rebecca: I don’t mind. My sisters are very helpful and we’re well organised. In fact, I ...(see) someone about hiring a band this afternoon. So, I must go now or I ...(not to get) to their office before they ...(close).
Arnold: I hope everything ...(go) well for you.
Rebecca: I’m sure it ...(be) a great day. Provided the sun ...(shine), that is!


Ответ дал: Dohluybarsuj


Arnold: Would you like to come to a film this weekend?

Rebecca: I’d like to, but I’m afraid I do not have time.

Arnold: Why? What you doing?

Rebecca: Well, my father arrived back from Australia. He’s been there for six months and we having a big party to celebrate.

Arnold: He will not too tired for a party after his flight?

Rebecca: Yes, and no doubt he suffering from jetlag. So, on Saturday he can take it easy. But on Sunday, all the family coming for a big barbecue. I prepared things all day on Saturday.

Arnold: What a lot of work for you.

Rebecca: I don’t mind. My sisters are very helpful and we’re well organised. In fact, I saw someone about hiring a band this afternoon. So, I must go now or I will not get to their office before they closed

Arnold: I hope everything going well for you.

Rebecca: I’m sure it being a great day. Provided the sun shining , that is!


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