A house out of this world Earth nekbeca Life in space is certainly very different to life on The space station is in a quiet neighbourhood and it's got a great view. There are a lot of chores that astronauts have to do ... floating in the air as they can't walk in space. Inside the station, there is a lot of floating dust. The astronauts have got a special vacuum cleaner with a long pipe for 'catching the dust As for mealtimes, there isn't a kitchen with a cooker and a fridge. All the food is in tins and packets. There are spoons, but there aren't any forks or knives because all the food is wet. And what about washing clothes? The astronauts have disposable clothes so there isn't a washing machine, either! How cool is that?!


Ответ дал: leslie52


Дом вне этого мира Земля некбека Жизнь в космосе, безусловно, сильно отличается от жизни на Космической станции, которая находится в тихом районе, и отсюда открывается прекрасный вид. Есть много дел, которые


так наверно прости если не правильно

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