Звездный английский 5 класс Сборник грамматических упражнений (стр.15 упр.5)


timofeyguryanov2: упс, простите


Ответ дал: timofeyguryanov2

здесь был неправильный ответ, извиняюсь

karmen20: Тут как бы предложения надо составить)))))
karmen20: может кто то помочь????
Ответ дал: smyak0ppa

1) A snake is longer than a sworm.

My hair is shorter than my cousin's hair.

2) My aunt is elder than my mum.

Laura school uniform is newer than my school uniform.

3) The Earth is bigger than the Moon.

My hand is smaller than my Kevin's hand.

4) My phone is more modern than my grandpa's phone.

The Kremlin is older than my school.

5) The summer weather is warmer than winter weather.

Ice is colder than water.

6) Sam is taller than Jennie.

Lisa is shorter than me.

7) Board games are funnier than computer games.

Math lessons are more boring than literature lessons.

8) My sister's desk is cleaner than my desk.

Your shoes are dirtier than my shoes!

9) Kate is happier than Wendy.

Paul is sadder than Timmy.

10) My marks are better than Harry's mark.

Leo's pictures are worse than Tom's pictures.

karmen20: Спасибо!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
karmen20: Простите перевод 1 го предложения...непонятен???Змея длиньше чем рой???????
smyak0ppa: Змея длиннее чем червяк
smyak0ppa: Пожалуйста)
smyak0ppa: Ой, приношу свои извинения. Worm же)
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