Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets. Then say who the people are. (ЗАДАНИЕ)

1. He's a great rock ______ but he can't read _____. (musical)

2. She became a popular _____ after her first hit _____ Not that Kind. (sing)

3. He was an excellent _____ who ____ The Night Watch. (painting)

4. She's a well-known ____ and she ___ Pride and Prejudice. (writing)

5. He was a brilliant ___. He ___ scissors! (invention)


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Ответ дал: Leeah

1. musician; music

2. singer; single

3. painter; painted

4. writer; wrote

5. inventor; invented

Ответ дал: аннюша99

1. He's a great rock  musician  but he can't read  music.

2. She became a popular singer  after her first hit  song /single  Not that Kind.

3. He was an excellent  painter  who  painted  The Night Watch.

4. She's a well-known  writer  and she  wrote  Pride and Prejudice.

5. He was a brilliant  inventor . He  invented  scissors!

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