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1. When Fiona (to draw) the picture for yesterday morning, she (to find) an unusual coloring. 2. Mandy (not to impress) me a day ago. 3. I (to collect) some coins next week. 4. Melissa (not to dig) a grave at seven o'clock yesterday. 5. My cousin (not to think) that I (to escape) a prison. 6. You (not to do) your homework yet. 7. A car (to come) now. 8. When you usually (to swim) in swimming pool? 9. How long your brother (to train)?


Ответ дал: Mioshic

 1. When Fiona was drawing the picture for yesterday morning, she found an unusual coloring.

2. Mandy didn't impress me a day ago.

3. I collected some coins next week.

4. Melissa didn't dugs a grave at seven o'clock yesterday.

5. My cousin doesn't think that I will escape prison.

6. You didn't did your homework yet.

7. A car comes now.

8. When do you usually swim in a swimming pool?

9. How long has your brother trained?

yavorskelena: 3 предложение -future, поэтому will collect. 4 past continuous,поэтому was digging
yavorskelena: 6 Pr perfect- have not done. 7-Pr. Continuous- is coming
Ответ дал: yavorskelena

Ответ: 1. was drawing, found.

2. did not impress

3. will collect

4. was not digging

5. did not think, would escape

6 have not done

7. is coming

8. When do you usually swim...?

9 How long has your brother trained?


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