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Ответ дал: peresada150




We live on a wonderful planet. There are so many beautiful plants and so many different animals. In this ecosystem everything is interconnected and plays its own important role. There are wild and domestic animals as well as predators and herbivorous animals.  Domestic animals live with people. I have a cat. I like when he lies by my side and purrs. I love stroking him. However, my cat, as most of other cats, loves his own space.I think that care of pets and other domestic animals makes us kinder and more responsible. It makes us more attentive and sympathetic. When we start caring of someone else we become less selfish.  My cat is quite old. I have had him for many years. Now I know that a living creature is not just a toy, but a pet that will live together with you for many years. This time will not be filled with happy moments only. There will be sad moments, too. Pets can get sick and feel very low. This is when our humaneness is tested. As for wild animals, it is hard to meet them in real life. However, we can watch them in a zoo . There are people who disapprove zoos considering them to be captivity for animals. But I think that conditions created in modern zoos are relatively good. It is also known that sometimes endangered species were preserved in zoos rather than in the wild.  I want to believe that it is up to us to save the beauty of our planet . We need to learn not to intervene with wild animals’ habitat. People themselves are an important part of this ecosystem. Animals need us just as much as we need them.

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