Complete the sentences with the correct present forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. Mark is tired. He _____________________________(work) since morning.

2. We ______________________________________(not/believe) in ghosts.

3. The meeting _______________________________ (start) at 9 am so let’s hurry.

4. They __________________________________(not/ see) a firework s display before.

5. Den _________________ (look) for his report, but he ______________________(not find) it yet.

6. My chief usually (work) ____________________________________on Saturdays.

7. She (speak) for an hour on the phone.

8. He (wait) ________________________________________for you at this moment.

9. What ____________ your brother (do) _______? – He (be) _______a sportsman

10. I (think) _______________________________________ about moving to St. Petersburg.


Ответ дал: liankav
1. have been working
2. don’t believe
3. starts
4. have not seen
5. is looking, has not found
6. works
7. speaks
8. is waiting
9. does, do, is
10. am thinking
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