G Hi, My name's Sanzhar and I'm from Almaty, Kazakhstan. I'm 11 years old. My hobby is collecting football 1) I've got a great 2) of the shirts of all my favourite players in Kairat. My favourite one is Ermek Kuantayev's number 13. It's super. I like football lot and I'm very 3) .... of my collection! What about you? Have you got a collection? Write back soon. Sanzhar a 5.R1 Read the text and complete these sentences 1-4. Study, 2 . ... years old. . Skills Punctuation 1 Sanzhar is 2 He is from ...... 3 He's got a collection of 4. His favourite football shirt is ........ le use a full stop (1) ter affirmative & gative sentences. not​


Ответ дал: sailauadiua

Hi! My name’s Sanzhar and I’m from Almaty, Kazakhstan. I’m 11 years old. My hobby is collecting football 1) Shirts. I’ve got a great 2) Collection of the shirts of all my favourite players in Kairat. My favourite one is Ermek Kuantayev’s number 13. It’s super. I like football a lot and I’m very 3)proud of my collection! What about you? Have you got a collection?

Write back soon.


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