Помогите пожалуйста с заданием 4,5,6,7



Ответ дал: diyorkrm


ex 4

2 who do you live with

3what time do they get up

4 what do you do in your free time

5 how do they travel here

6 how many languages do you speak

ex 5

b 1

c 5

d 6

e 2

f 4

ex 6

2do they work in a second school?

3 does she speak italian?

4 does he play football?

5 do you and your family live in Scotland?

ex 7

2 no , the don't

3 no , she doesn't

4 no, he doesn't

5 no , we don't

leylaquliyeva322: Спасибо большое!❤️
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