Помогите, пожалуйста срочно сделать: ЭТО АНГЛИЙСКИЙ 5 КЛАСС
Read the situations and make questions

Jane: I've got a tablet. What about you, Tom?
a Have got tablet you

Tom: My father has got cool headphones. What about your father?
got Has cool father headphones your

Tom: I have got a smartwatoh. What about you, Jane?
a Have got smartwatoh you

Jane's parents: We have got laptops. What about our son?
got Has a son laptop our

Tom's father: I've not got a tablet. What about your parents, Jane?
got Have a parents tablet your


Ответ дал: xxxSUNSHINExxx


Have you got a tablet?

Has your father got cool headphones?

Have you got a smartwatoh?

Has our son got a laptop?

Have your parents got a tablet?

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