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Mirunianna: Lots of poultry in the yard
There's a lot of police here, it's in the house
There is not much furniture in the room
There are scissors on the table
There's money on the table, take it.
The house with the buildings was attractive
These tips are very important
This news is interesting
I need this information
Mirunianna: The clothes on the chair, she's fashionable
The content of the story was fascinating
The stairs are steep.
Her hair is blond. It's curly.
Her things are on the table, take them.
Kindness is a good quality
The surrounding countryside was picturesque


Ответ дал: asdololo0


1.There are a lot of homemade spikes in the yard.

2.There are a lot of polylines in the house.

3.In the room of few furniture

4. Scissors are on the table.

5. There is money on the table, Take it.

6.The house was attractive

7.These tips are very important

8.This news is interesting.

9.I need this information

10. Dressed on a chair, It's fashionable

11. The content of the story was fascinating.

12.The stairs are steep

13. Her hair is blonde. They are extinct.

14. If the things on the table are lucky.

15. Kindness is a good quality.

16. The mistakes were Picturesque


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