Ex. 3. Put the verb into the correct form:
Example: He (to specialize) in Slavonic languages. — He specializes in Slavonic languages.
1. She (not/ to work) as a lawyer, she is a student.

2. A policeman usually (to stop) cars in the street.

3. The Sun (to rise) in the East.

4. My elder brother (to learn) English.

5. It often (to rain) in England.

6. He (not/ to want) to become an investigator.

7. We (not/ to have) much time.

8. I (to want) to develop my own operation system.

9. He (tomajor) inlaw.


Ответ дал: Reholonik


1 doesn't work

2 stops

3 rises

4 learns

5 rains

6 doesn't want

7 don't have

8 want

9 предложение неправильное, напиши как в учебнике

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