Complete these sentences with used to or didn't use to. (Дополните эти предложения конструкцией used to или didn't use to.) 0 In the past, people didn't use to travel by plane often. 1 Some Indians...... travel by canoe. 2 My parents liked radio and they...... listen to radio every day wher they were young. 3 My grandparents......... go to school by scooters. 4 In the past, people......... go for walks more.​


Ответ дал: julia42489


1. Used to

2. used to

3. didn't use to

4. used to

Ответ дал: SARDOR03


Some Indians didn't used to travel by canoe.My parents liked radio and they used to listen to radio every day when they were young. My grandparents didn't used to go to school by scooter. In the past, people used to go for walks more.

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