Module 1 V-A Choose the correct answer. Frank bought a(n) ........ table at the furniture market. A wooden, Chinese, old, nice Bold, Chinese, nice, wooden C nice, old, Chinese, wooden D Chinese, wooden, nice, old 2 The tourist office ........ at nine in the morning every day A opens C has been opening B is opening D has opened 3 Gerry and Sally went hiking to enjoy the mountain A scenery C landscape B scene D border 4 Brendan and Zoë ........ Argentina for a month, they'll be back in March A have been going to B have gone to с have been to D have been in 5 That's strange. I don't remember this dress in the Philippines A buying B to be buying C buy D to buy wilderness in America. 6 Alaska contains some of the largest spaces of C clear B fresh Dunspoilt A pure 7 You had better a reservation at the restaurant; I heard it's really popular A give с book B take D make 8 It ........ extremely cold in Alaska and Kazakhstan during the winter. A is getting C has been getting B gets D has got 9 Who ........ my camera without asking my permission again! A has been using C is using B has used Duses 10 The air in the tropical rainforest is very hot and because of all the rainfall. A humid Crainy B wet Dicy 11 ...... all day? You look really tanned! A Are you sunbathing B Haye you been sunbathing C You have been sunbathing D Have you sunbathed​


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