Task 1. Напиши раскрыв глаголы в скобках в Past Simple e 1. We 2. Natalie chess with Tomas yesterday. (to play) at the hotel. (to stay) 3. She my address. (not to know) 4. They something interesting. (to see) those words. (not to understand) 5. I 6. You the order. (to hear) 7. Our parents to the concert. (not to go) 8. 9. your aunt anything wrong? (to say) movie yesterday? (to watch) on the ground? (to find) 10. What you​


Ответ дал: Аноним


  • 1.  We played chess with Tomas yesterday.
  • 2. Natalie stayed at the hotel.
  • 3. She didn't know my address.
  • 4. They saw something interesting.
  • 5. I didn't understand those words.
  • 6. You heard the order.
  • 7. Our parents didn't trust doctors.
  • 8. Helen had an idea.
  • 9. He didn't feel any difference.
  • 10. I knew it!\\
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