answer the following questions.
a)When was the last time someone was rude to you? What happened?
b) When was the last time you thanked somebody. What did you thank them for?
c) Who is the most polite person you know? Describe this person.
пожалуйста срочно​


Ответ дал: aalt1175
1) Unfortunately, I quickly forget bad words in my adress. I don't remember being rude to me lately
2. I thanked my mom for pouring me tea
3. The most polite to me is my best friend. She never hurt me
Ответ дал: sova077


a) My friend was rude with me last time. This happened because I didn't help him with his homework.

b) I thank my mother everyday because she always cooks for me.

c) My father is very polite. He always uses the words of gratitude and asks before taking something.

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