Write a Country and language report about your country de in the ning 6 THINK AND PLAN 1 Where is your country? 2 What other countries has it got borders with? 3 What is the capital city and the currency? 4 What are the official languages and where do people speak them? 5 What languages do people study at school? 6 What is the population of your country? 7 Do many people of other nationalities live in your country? Where are they from? America. uses erman C WRITE entence. es live Paragraph 1: The country is a large country in ... Paragraph 2: Languages​


Ответ дал: MatveqHohryakov


1 My country is in central Europe.

2. Poland has border with Germany, Slovakia,Ukraine, Czech Republic, Russia, Lithuania.

3. Capitol of Poland is in Warsaw and currency is "zloty".

4. The official language is polish and people speak them evrywhere.

5. People do study at school polish, germany &english.

6.Polish people are friendly, talkative, honest and they help another people.


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