PLAN 5 Choose a product to write an online review of. Use the headings in Exercise 2 and ​


Ответ дал: shahriyor68


ПЛАН 5 Выберите продукт, о котором хотите написать онлайн-обзор. Используйте заголовки в упражнении 2 и


А из какой это книги

serikbaevtursynhan8: student book 8класс
shahriyor68: сори я 7 класс измени у меня этой книги нет извеняюсь
serikbaevtursynhan8: ок
Ответ дал: ApxuBupyc


As consumers, we frequently rely on product reviews to provide us with insight into a product’sor service’s quality, function, and usefulness. By writing your own product reviews, you can share information from your own experiences that will contribute to the larger body of evaluative commentary already in existence.

Such a contribution is not simply a sales message to promotea product you love; instead, a balanced product review will point out the pros and consof a given product or service, helping your readers to determine whether or not it’s the right one for them.

The following steps can assist you in the creation of a concise and candid product review

serikbaevtursynhan8: можно перевод
serikbaevtursynhan8: ауууу
shahriyor68: перевезти
serikbaevtursynhan8: да
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