Card 3. Prepare an individual talk. The following questions will help you to organize your talk. 1. Can you tell us about your positive qualities? 2. What can you tell us about your negative qualities? 3. How have you changed over the last five years? (habits, personality, likes and dislikes) 4. What do you want to change now?
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Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

I think I have quite a few positive qualities. I'm kind, hard-working, reliable, honest, creative, patient and thoughtful. But I'm not a perfect person. I do have some negative qualities. For example, I can be bossy, and picky and annoying at times, and there are times when I'm lazy.

I think I have changed greatly over the last five years. I've become more reliable and thoughtful. My likes and dislikes have changed as well. I used to like watching cartoons but now I seldom watch them. I also used to wear bright-coloured clothes whereas now I prefer dark colours.

I can't say what I want to change now. Perhaps I'd like to be more optimistic and cheerful.

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