I. Complete the sentences using the verb in the correct form: mop, make, do, hang out, keep
1. My dad always ….the rubbish on Saturday.
2. My aunt … the floor yesterday and I cleaned the carpet.
3. Mrs. Black likes …. the washing every Monday.
4. His little sister hates …her toys in the right place.
5. Ann … her bed, had breakfast and went to school.

II. Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets in the correct form:
1. Bob avoids (to visit) parties because he is very shy.
2. My friend has offered (to help) me with the project.
3. She is tired of (to live) in the country, so she decided to go to the party.
4. Ann has been painting her room all the morning but she has stopped (to have) some rest.
5. They can’t stand (to clean) their house. It’s so big.

V. Choose the correct item.
1. John is very nosy/arrogant, he always wants to know what we are doing.
2. Helen is a sociable/ silly person. She feels quite comfortable when she meets new people.
3. The austronauts do/make a lot of experiments in space.
4. On Sundays they play football at the local field/ pitch.
5. Kazan is a big isolated/ industrial city.


Ответ дал: 1997atta1997



1.visiting,2.to help,3.living,4.to have,5.cleaning.


1.arrogant,2.sociable,3.do,4.field, 5.industrial

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